NIOA membership is open to anyone actively employed by any local, county, state or federal government agency, or any public safety or emergency services organization, whose primary responsibilities include managing or disseminating public information.
Membership dues are $90 annually.
NIOA membership runs on a calendar year, January-December. We do not prorate fees.
All memberships are individual (not agency) and are non-transferable.
Membership Application
Please note: Paid membership will not automatically add your name to the member roster in the Members Only section. This information is updated once each MONTH.
Membership Benefits
Members are eligible to attend the annual NIOA Training Conference, a multi-day event which seeks to organize and train Public Information Officers through workshops, seminars and case presentations by PIOs who have handled some of the biggest news events of our time. The gathering also offers unrivaled opportunities for meeting and networking with your professional peers from across North America.
Members automatically receive a subscription to the NIOA News, the official publication of the NIOA, with articles and photos from around the nation, all specifically written and compiled to benefit you, the Public Information Officer. You’ll also be eligible to receive discounts at selected PIO classes offered around the country, and have unrestricted access to all areas of our organization’s expanding Web Site.